The book of Daniel is, like the Old Testament as a whole, full of anticipation. It looks forward to the coming time when God would establish His kingdom and bring to naught the idolatrous kingdoms of the world. Whether these idolatrous kingdoms are pictured as a massive statue of different metals or a series of wild beasts, the end of the imagery rests with the establishment of God’s kingdom. And in both instances the way in which God’s kingdom is described emphasizes the expansive growth which His kingdom would experience. Whether it is pictured as a rock growing to fill the earth or as the Son of Man inheriting a kingdom such that all nations shall serve Him, the vision of the Messianic Age is very optimistic. These passages from Daniel reinforce what we observed last week – the vision of the Messianic Age in the OT anticipates all the nations of the earth acknowledging the authority of the Messiah prior to the end of history. With these passages in mind, therefore, we approach our question today – Does the NT embrace the notion that all the nations of the earth will acknowledge the Lordship of Christ prior to the end of history, during the course of the Messianic Age?