Why do we have the Old Testament? Why can’t we get by with just the New?
A Spirit of Gratitude
November 24, 2013 inThe source of our ingratitude is not in our circumstances but in our hearts. We can be ungrateful, we are often most ungrateful, in the face of manifest blessing.
Charge to incoming Elder
November 17, 2013 inA Charge to incoming Elder.
Hope for the Family
February 10, 2013 inThe Christian family finds its strength in the future hope of the gospel. Because we expect the growth of the Kingdom of God on earth, we can labor toward that goal by investing in the coming generations.
What and Why 2013
January 27, 2013 inWhat are we doing and why is it important? Mission drift can affect any organization, and the church is no exception.
God of Vengeance
January 20, 2013 inHow are we, as God’s people, to respond to moral evil in the world? As we observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, we must consider–how are we to respond to such injustice, especially when this injustice enjoys the sanction of our law?
Deep Distress
September 9, 2012 inWhen faced with deep distress, the Shunammite woman models how we should seek help from those who can truly solve our problems. Rather than spilling her frustrations to those around her, she kept her composure and restrained from gossiping about her situation.
The Abominations of the Nations
August 19, 2012 inThe backlash following Dan Cathy’s (president of Chick-Fil-A) anti-gay marriage statement reveals the need for a strong stance against sexual immorality in our time. Leviticus 18 warned Israel to avoid similar perversions practiced by neighboring nations. The critical issue was–and is–who has the authority to say what is and is not acceptable in the arena of sexuality?
A Primer on Fasting
March 4, 2012 inThroughout Scripture and Christian history fasting has been an integral part of Christian experience. It seems, however, to have fallen on hard times. So what is fasting? Should we as Christians fast? If so, when and why? These are the questions addressed today.