As Paul closes his exhortations to Titus, he reminds Titus to set before the congregation the necessity of good works. He does this by coming back to some of the same themes he had mentioned in the beginning of the book and pressing upon Titus the reality of the antithesis.
Titus 3:4-7 – Truly Thankful
November 18, 2007 inTrue thankfulness is the overflow of a heart that has been transformed by the grace of God.
Titus 3:1-2 – Remind Them
November 11, 2007 inThe Word of God specifies not only the responsibilities of those in authority but also of those under authority. Those in authority are to exercise the authority granted them by God while those under authority are to submit to those authorities as God’s representatives on earth.
Titus 2:15 – The Preacher’s Task
November 4, 2007 inThe Word of God is clear not only about authorities in general but also about the authority that God has vested in the Church. Paul exhorts Titus as a minister of the Gospel to exercise his God-given authority and to let no one despise him.
Titus 2:11-14 – The Grace of God Part 2
October 28, 2007 inThe grace of God is the foundation of spiritual life – past, present, and future. This, by no means, implies the modern notion of letting go and letting God. On the contrary, the grace of God appears training us in righteousness.
Titus 2:11-14 – The Grace of God Part 1
October 21, 2007 inThe exhortations Paul gives in Titus 2 are not simply a list of commands that we are to put into practice. Rather they are descriptions of the type of people the grace of God is in the business of creating. God is working these things out among His people; it is His power at work; it is not a matter of human striving and determination but of God’s working and striving.
Titus 2:9-10 – Showing All Good Fidelity
October 14, 2007 inThe Word of God is very clear that the world is a place with authority structures that have been put in place by God Himself; it is also clear that we are called upon as His people to submit to those authorities he has placed over us.
Titus 2:3-5 – A Gracious Woman
October 7, 2007 inThat Christian women may be as stately pillars, fit for the temple of God.
Titus 2:2,6 – Show Yourself a Man
September 30, 2007 inThat Christian men may be as sailors, equipped with sea-legs, to endure the tossing and turning of the sea.