Reformed Evangelism Part III – Crucifixion, Resurrection, Response

January 22, 2012 in

Last week summarized three essential points of Christianity – Creation, Sin, and Judgment. Though created by God as the pinnacle of creation, we all as human beings have rebelled against Him. We want to run lives on our own. We don’t want to honor him and submit to him. The result of this rebellion is judgment – trouble in this life, death at the end of life, and judgment after death: a bleak outlook resulting from our rebellion. But thankfully this is not whole story – and it is the rest of the Gospel story that we summarize today.

Reformed Evangelism Part I – A City Set on a Hill

January 8, 2012 in

Isaiah’s visions of Zion give the Church a clear sense of our marching orders. We are to be the light of the world, a city set on a hill. Consequently, we must be equipped as God’s people to bless the nations of the earth by articulating the Gospel. And this is precisely what Peter tells us. We are always to be ready to give a reasoned defense for the hope that is in us. So what does all this mean and how can we be godly evangelists?