Sermon Outline: State of the Church 2018 – 1 Timothy 3-14-18
Marks of the Church
March 19, 2017 inSyncretism and Tribalism
March 12, 2017 inGod’s Glory is Risen Upon You, Isaiah 60-61
March 5, 2017 inWhat are we doing & why? 2016
April 3, 2016 inCharge to incoming Elder
November 17, 2013 inA Charge to incoming Elder.
The Diaconate
April 7, 2013 inAs we consider adding another deacon to our church leadership, we must review the Biblical foundations, duties, and obligations of the Diaconate.
What and Why 2013
January 27, 2013 inWhat are we doing and why is it important? Mission drift can affect any organization, and the church is no exception.