Nativity Songs Part I – Ave Maria

December 2, 2012 in

The Ave Maria text in Luke 1 is a greeting from the angel Gabriel to Mary. Roman Catholicism transforms this greeting into a petition because Rome teaches that Mary is a source of blessing and benefit to all – that she by her power or ability or influence can rescue us from trials and troubles. But note Mary’s address to God in the Magnificat: she rejoices in “God my Savior.”

Advent 2010 Part VI: Immanuel in the Visible Church

January 2, 2011 in

Last week we learned that Jesus is Immanuel. Everything that the Temple was created to express visibly – the necessity of sacrifice, the way of re-entry into the Garden of Eden, the pathway to fellowship with God – all these things and more reach their fulfillment in Christ. If Jesus is the Temple of God then those who are in Christ are also the Temple of God. In other words, the Church is the Temple of God, the dwelling place of God, the visible manifestation of God’s blessing, God’s favor, God’s commitment to us. It is this theme that we explore today: Immanuel in the Visible Church.

Advent 2010 Part V: Something Greater than the Temple

December 26, 2010 in

When responding to the critique of the Pharisees on one occasion, Jesus remarks, “Something greater than the Temple is here.” In light of our discussion last week, the meaning of the Tabernacle/Temple, I would like you to notice the remarkable claim that Jesus is making: Something greater than the Temple is here – the Temple that was designed to testify that God is with us, the Temple that was designed to point Israel back to the Garden of Eden, the Temple that was designed to remind Israel of God’s promise that through them all the families of the earth would be blessed. Something greater than the Temple is here among you. What exactly is Jesus’ saying? What does He mean by this? By declaring, “Something greater than the Templeis here.” Clearly He is pointing to Himself – He is greater than the Temple. So how can that be?

Advent 2010 Part IV: Immanuel in the Tabernacle

December 19, 2010 in

Today I want us to see how this picture of a return to Eden, a return to fellowship and unity with God, a return to Immanuel, “God with us”, characterizes the description of the Tabernacle and Temple in Israel. The theme of God with us is not limited to the Garden, but is expanded and developed as God’s dealings with His people continue.