Sexuality and “Is” vs. “Ought”

June 23, 2013 in Bible - OT - Leviticus, Coeur d'Alene Issues, Homosexuality, Law and Gospel, Mosaic Law, Politics, Sexuality

Leviticus 18:3 (NKJV)
3 According to the doings [the sexual practices] of the land of Egypt, where you dwelt, you shall not do; and according to the doings of the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you, you shall not do; nor shall you walk in their ordinances.
One of the key distinctions that philosphers make in the realm of ethics is between “is” and “ought.” Merely because something “is” the case does not mean that it “ought” to be the case. ‘Is” is merely descriptive not prescriptive; it describes the way things are but not necessarily the way things ought to be.
In recent debates over the matter of sexuality there has been a decided failure to maintain this basic distinction – a distinction which is eminently biblical. We see it reflected in our text today – the Egyptians and Canaanites behaved in certain ways sexually; had sociologists written about their society, they would have describedthe practices of incest, homosexuality, bestiality, ritual prostitution, etc. All these things were the case. But simply because they were the case doesn’t mean that those practices were right or proper, that they ought to have been. Scripture declares on nearly every page that that which we observe about us in the history of humanity is not necessarily that which oughtto be. Jealousy, immorality, theft, murder, covetousness, pride, deceit, self-righteousness, slander – all these things are the case but ought not to be the case – for God created us to be different.
So notice how the argumentation goes – homosexuals find individuals of the same gender attractive; many testify that they experienced this attraction unwillingly, it was simply there. Notice that thus far we’re dealing with what is the case, with description. But suddenly the ground shifts and the homosexual advocate begins to defend something quite different – he begins to reason from is to ought, from description to prescription.Because homosexual attraction is the case, therefore we ought to consider it acceptable behavior.
But this is folly. We do not determine what ought to be the case from what is the case. For example, we take it as a given in Western culture that cannibalism is perverse and unnatural. Thanks to generations of biblical wisdom and common grace, we find the smell of burning human flesh repulsive. What may come as a surprise, however, is that in cannibalistic cultures the shape of the brain changes over time so that the smell of human flesh is actually perceivedas pleasant. That which is naturally repulsive comes to be perceived as pleasant. Do we conclude from this that cannibalism is morally acceptable? Absolutely not! Their cultural perversion distorts their very physicality.
The sobering reality of our corruption is this: just as we can become accustomed to the roaring of a train outside our window if we’ve lived beside it long enough, so we can become accustomed to perverse behavior and our sensory faculties can adjust to make such behavior seem acceptable.
So how can we escape? Only by the grace of God and the Word of God. God must give us a new longing to understand what ought to be, a desire to study His Word so that we can learn what ought to be, and then the willingness to change what isso that it conforms to what ought to be. And praise God that by His grace our God-given repulsion to that which is unnatural can return.
So what of us? What of you? What things are the case in your life that you have merely come to accept as normal – not because they ought to be the case, but merely because they are the case? Are there outbursts of anger and wrath? Undercurrents of bitterness and resentment? Displays of disrespect or disobedience? Beware becoming alienated from that which oughtto be the case by the ever-presence of what isthe case.
Reminded of the depth of our sinfulness and the way we excuse what we do wrong, let us kneel and confess our sin to God.

The “Secular” State

June 17, 2013 in Coeur d'Alene Issues, Homosexuality, King Jesus, Mosaic Law, Politics, Sexuality

I penned a response to the Spokesman’s criticisms of my stance against the recent legislation in Coeur d’Alene that publicly legitimizes various abnormal sexual practices and penalizes those who oppose them. You can find the response here.

The point that I’ve endeavored to make is that if “anti-discrimination” is really what the law is about, then certainly the boundaries of the law should be expanded. The testimony from the LGBT community typically states, “I’ve felt so ostracized within the community; I’ve had to endure the stigma of being engaged in unacceptable behavior; this shouldn’t be the case.” It is routinely an appeal to pity. But that same type of argumentation can be used for those who practice other sexual abnormalities.

My point in all this is that there is no such thing as the “secular” state. All states enforce and sanction morality – law by its very nature is enforced morality. The only question is which morality will be enforced. But because so many, even so many Christians, have bought into the lie of the “secular” state, when these moral questions arise for consideration they have no framework within which to address the issue. How can I enforce my personal moral convictions on others?

There are a couple things to keep in mind when asking this question: first, these are not “personal moral convictions” but the moral law of the universe woven into the fabric of the world and of humans in particular by our Creator. We can spurn these laws but we do so at our peril. Second, it is important to distinguish, as Scripture does, between sins and crimes. Not all sinful actions are criminal actions. Hence, “enforcing morality” does not mean that police would be perusing the neighborhood looking for all those who call their brother, “Raca!” (Mt 5:21ff) As Christians we should be quite comfortable leaving the judgment of sins to God while upholding the necessity of a society that criminalizes behavior God Himself judges to be such. Some sins are criminal: murder, theft, adultery, perjury, kidnapping, etc. They destroy the very fabric of society and invite God’s judgment.

The “F” Word and Homosexuality

June 10, 2013 in Coeur d'Alene Issues, Homosexuality, Politics, Sexuality

Seems the Associate Editor of the Spokesman Review has taken umbrage with my opposition to homosexuality. He’s even issued the low-blow of labeling me (gasp!) a “fundamentalist”. Wow – didn’t see that one coming. “Great is Diana of the Ephesians!”

For those seeking a refreshing, winsome, biblically grounded and compassionate look at homosexuality, let me encourage you to read Rosaria Champagne Butterfield’s The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert: An English Professor’s Journey into the Christian Faith. Mrs. Butterfield was a tenured professor at Syracuse University and a public spokesman for the LBGT community – until she was converted to the Christian faith. 

You Shall Love Your Enemies

June 9, 2013 in Bible - NT - Matthew, Church History, Coeur d'Alene Issues, Homosexuality, Resurrection, Sexuality

Matthew 5:43–48 (NKJV)
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? 48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
Much has happened in the past week in our little community. I tried to prepare us as a congregation to face this issue some months ago by preaching on the topic of homosexuality and explaining what God has to say about the matter. No doubt there is more that could have been said and more that can be said, but at least we learned a little.
But a bit of fire has erupted this week over this issue and it is fitting for us to remember how we are to respond when folks criticize us for standing for the truth. It is ever easy to take things personally and forget that in defending the truth we’re not defending ourselves but the truth. And because we’re defending the truth, we can rest in the knowledge that God is His own best Defender. He will vindicate His Name and demonstrate to all nations that He is the Lord.
In the meantime, our calling is to imitate His grace and mercy by showing kindness to those who persecute us or say all kinds of evil against us. While standing courageously for the truth and speaking it frankly, we are to look for ways to bless and extend grace to our persecutors. Why? Because this is the way God acts toward his enemies day by day. And if God extends grace, ought not we?
We must beware the lure of moralism and defensiveness; we must ever remember the grace and mercy that God has extended to us and so extend it to others. At no time will that be more challenging than when we are being persecuted or slandered for the Name of Christ. But we can do it, we can extend grace and mercy even to those who persecute and slander us, because we know that God has promised to bless us as we do so – no gracious word, no good deed, no turning of the other cheek will go unnoticed. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
And this type of faith manifesting itself in love is precisely what the Apostles modeled for us when they were persecuted by the Jerusalem authorities for preaching Christ – they rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for Christ’s name(Acts 5:41b).
But often we respond to the criticisms and slanders of others not by giving a blessing but by giving an insult instead. Rather than returning good for evil, we return evil for evil. But this is not the way of our Lord Christ, nor is it the way that God will work to bring the nations to bow before Christ and acknowledge Him to be Lord of all. So let us confess our sin to the Lord and pray that He would enable us to give a blessing instead.

A Plea for Adulterers

June 7, 2013 in Coeur d'Alene Issues, Homosexuality, Politics, Sexuality

My letter to the editor appeared in today’s Coeur d’Alene Press if you’re interested. If you’d like to read it on their webpage you can go here. I’ve also pasted it below:
Letter to the Editor
June 7, 2013
A Plea for the Adulterer
Tuesday night the Coeur d’Alene City Council passed by a vote of 5 to 1 legislation that prohibits discrimination against individuals who are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or transgendered in the matters of employment, housing, and pubic accommodations. I am disappointed that this legislation just doesn’t go far enough. I write a plea for the adulterer.
It seems hard that in this day and age of sexual freedom and liberation that the adulterer is still castigated with some public stigma. After all, we all know how challenging marriage is and particularly how challenging it is for men to remain sexually committed to just one woman. Currently there is no legislation that forbids employers from discriminating against the adulterer or guarantees hotel rooms for late night liaisons.
Just imagine the personal trauma faced by the adulterer when he enters the hotel with his hot new babe in tow. There at the welcome desk is the owner of the hotel – a next-door neighbor of the adulterer who happens to have a conscience. The neighbor gazes at the man and his babe and, recognizing neither wife nor daughter, summarily refuses to give them a room for the night. What’s more, he gives the adulterer a sound verbal lashing. So what’s the adulterer to do? There aren’t any laws that protect him from such humiliation and injury. This just isn’t fair.
After all, he and his hot mama are consenting adults; what right does this hotel owner have to refuse to give them a room? Perhaps the Coeur d’Alene City Council will come to the rescue on their white horses. In one fell swoop they can rescue the world from discrimination by championing the cause of the adulterer. After all, if there is nothing natural or honorable in the arena of sexuality, then why not take up my plea?
Stuart W. Bryan
Trinity Church

Appeals to Higher Law

June 6, 2013 in Coeur d'Alene Issues, Homosexuality, Politics, Sexuality

I was interviewed by phone yesterday by Scott Maben, a reporter with the Spokesman Review. His article came out today. If you’re interested in reading it, you can find it here. He actually quoted one of my more rational statements. And in case you’re wondering after reading the comments, I have no immediate plans for relocating to Iran. I have a feeling I wouldn’t be any more welcome there.

Our Fourfold Charge

June 5, 2013 in Coeur d'Alene Issues, Homosexuality, Politics, Sexuality

As you have probably heard the Coeur d’Alene City Council passed by a vote of 5-1 the proposed Anti-Discrimination legislation. Councilman Steve Adams played the man, bore testimony of Christ, and voted against the legislation. The other 5 voted in favor. Councilwoman Goodlander was frank enough to admit that this legislation granted special rights to the homosexual community at the expense of the Christian community. I spoke and also have written some letters this am – one to Councilman Kennedy on a couple questions he asked me during public testimony and another letter to the editor, a tongue in cheek Plea for the Adulterer. You can find my letter to Councilman Kennedy on my blog.
Our charge is fourfold. First, we are to continue as ever we have – loving Christ, loving one another, loving our neighbors, including those ensnared in various types of sexual sin – whether heterosexual or homosexual. While we vocally and stridently oppose the homosexual lobby, we must beware lest this opposition degenerate into self-righteousness or inhumanity. All humans, regardless of their sexual choices, are made in the image of God; indeed, this is why we call them to that which is noble and natural. Second, we need to be prepared to receive joyfully the plundering of our property for the sake of Christ and to come to the aid and encouragement of brothers who suffer in this way. We are called to identify with Christ and His people, bearing our cross, despising the shame. Third, we need to continue to urge our own families as well as other Christians to extract their children from the godless government education system. It is one of the chief institutions perpetuating the distorted notion that love does not demand change in the beloved and that kindness and tolerance are absolute virtues. Fourth, we are to use all lawful means to recall this legislation and the men and woman who passed it. It was clear from the representation at the meeting last night that the Council members were not representing the community at large but a special interest lobby. They should be made to know this.
Pastor Stuart Bryan

An Open Letter to Councilman Mike Kennedy

June 5, 2013 in Coeur d'Alene Issues, Homosexuality, Politics, Sexuality

Councilman Mike Kennedy
Mayor Sandi Bloem
Members of the City Council
Coeur d’Alene City Hall
710 E. Mullan Avenue
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814
June 5, 2013
Dear Councilman Kennedy,
On several occasions last night at the City Council Meeting you asked for a description of the difference between discrimination on the basis of religion versus discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Since you asked this question of me among others, I felt it would be fitting for me to reply having had some additional time to think about the matter. The problem with rushing this legislation is that you robbed yourself the opportunity to receive the best and most thoughtful responses to your questions.
So what is the difference between discrimination on the basis of religion versus sexual orientation? First, I would insist that basic to our make-up as human beings are the twin realities of religious and sexual expression. In every culture and at every time in human history these two things are natural and normal components of what it means to be human. We are religious beings and we are sexual beings.
Second, these two types of expression are both capable of natural and unnatural, constructive and destructive manifestations. In every society at every time in human history, including our own, both religious and sexual expression have been regulated and limited so as to preclude unnatural and destructive behavior.
For example, although we have constitutionally guaranteed rights of religious expression, these rights are limited by what is natural and constructive. For instance, ancient forms of worship that required the sacrificial offering of human beings or even the public sacrifice of animals are not permitted in our communities. This would be true even if the human victim voluntarily agreed to be sacrificed. We judge such religious expression perverse and unnatural, violating the sanctity of human life and destructive of the very fabric of society.
These same principles apply in the arena of sexuality. Sexual expression has never been, is not, and will never be completely unregulated. Most states currently prohibit consensual or non-consensual sex with minors, incest, polygamy, bestiality, rape, etc. On what basis do we make such limitations? I would suggest that one criterion is that which is natural and constructive.

Human beings are created to operate in a certain fashion, in accord with our God-given nature. Homosexual acts are inherently perverse and unnatural; this is a simple matter of biology and is confirmed by the sexual and personal consequences that attend the practice of homosexuality as well as by its intrinsic fruitlessness. The widespread presence of STDs, including AIDS, in the homosexual community is concrete evidence of its perversity. It is inherently risky sexual behavior because it is unnatural and destructive.
So in what sense is discrimination on the basis of religious expression different than discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation? On one level there is no difference – in both cases societies discriminate against religious and sexual expressions that are unnatural and destructive. On another level there is a huge difference – the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgendered community is requesting protection for practices which are unnatural and destructive whereas the religious groups protected by current legislation are not.
You also asked whether I would think it just if an owner of a company fired an employee after discovering that he or she were homosexual. But let me suggest that this begs the question of whether homosexuality is constructive or destructive behavior. As a society, we do not fault the owner of a company from conducting mandatory drug screenings and potentially firing an employee who fails to pass the screen. Why? Because we recognize that drug use is destructive to the individual and potentially to the company. I would suggest that the same is true of unnatural sexual expression – whether lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered, adulterous, or incestuous. If the behavior becomes public knowledge and the employer judges that that behavior compromises the reputation of his company or the quality of the work then he should be at liberty to fire the employee. Similarly, if a hotel owner recognizes a neighbor who has entered his hotel with a woman who is neither the neighbor’s wife nor his daughter, then he should be at complete and full liberty to refuse to give the man a room – the same would apply were it a same sex couple parading their sexual intentions.
So how would I speak to someone who was fired or refused service for unnatural sexual expression – whether adulterous, incestuous, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgendered? Again, I would ask a related question: if my brother failed his drug screen and were fired by his employer, what would I say to him? I would say a couple things. First, I would express my sympathy for his plight. “I am sorry that you have lost your job; that must be a grievous trial.” But I wouldn’t stop there. Knowing as I do that the drug use is self-destructive and has brought this on him, I would also say, second, “But listen, my brother, this is a wake up call for you. You need to change your behavior; you need to get rid of the drugs. They are self-destructive and will only cause you more problems in the months and years to come – and even more when you face your Creator on the Day of Judgment.”
This is precisely what I would say to anyone fired or denied service because of his or her sexual orientation. His behavior is destructive and unnatural – love dictates that I not set my heart on his destruction by telling him that what he’s doing is normal or natural. It simply is not.
I hope you will pardon the length of my letter. I felt it important that you have some more reflective thoughts on this question. Magna est veritas et praevalebit.
Pastor Stuart W. Bryan
Trinity Church
A Reformed & Evangelical Congregation

Worship and Posture

June 2, 2013 in Bible - OT - Psalms, Meditations, Worship

Psalm 95:6–7 (NKJV)
6 Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. 7 For He is our God, And we are the people of His pasture, And the sheep of His hand.
One of the most frequent questions visitors have about our service of worship, one of the questions that you may also have, is this: What’s the deal with all the different postures? We sit, we stand, we kneel, we bow heads, we lift hands – why all the variety?
The answer to these questions is threefold: first, God did not create us as ethereal beings but as creatures with body and soul. As those who have bodies, God expects us to use our bodies in self-conscious service of him. Paul concludes his warning against sexual sin this way, “For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” As human beings and as Christians we belong to God and so what we do with our bodies is not irrelevant. What we do with our bodies should reflect our relationship with Him.
So this leads us to the second answer to our question: why all the variety? The answer is that in worship there are a variety of things we do. We praise and thank the Lord; we confess our sins; we hear the assurance of pardon; we listen to the reading of the Word of God; we confess our joint faith; we present our tithes and offerings; we petition the Lord for mercy; we learn from the Scriptures; we feast with the Lord at His Table. This wonderful variety demands a variety of responses – both verbally and bodily. There is no “one size fits all” way to express ourselves to God.
 And this is why, third, the Scriptures invite and command us to worship God with a variety of postures – including standing, kneeling, sitting, lifting hands, etc. So notice our text today from Psalm 95 – Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. This is simply one example of the types of commands given to us in the context of worship.
Would it not be alarming, therefore, if we failed to respond to God with such variety? For all this variety is an attempt to embody what is going on in our hearts and souls when we appear in the presence of God each Lord’s Day. God has no interest in mere ceremony; no interest in a people that gather before Him to kneel and scrape and stand and sit but who have no heart for Him; who do all such things as a mere show or parade.
So what of you? Why do you stand? Why do you kneel? Why do you sit? Do you do it just because that’s what you’re being told to do? Do you kneel so you won’t appear out of place? Do you sit so you can take a nap? Or do you do all these things because you recognize with awe and wonder the glory of the One in whose presence we appear every Lord’s Day?
For this is the ultimate reason that our posture changes – we worship in the presence of God. He is here with us. So have you come here today recognizing this – that the Lord of glory is here and we dare not treat Him lightly? He calls us to worship; we respond by standing to praise Him. He thunders at our sin; we respond by kneeling to confess it. He assures us of pardon; we stand to listen and enter boldly into His presence through the blood of Christ. He instructs us from His Word; we stand to give our attention to its reading. This is the drama of the Divine Service – but it’s a drama that is meaningful only when accompanied by hearts that love and cherish Him.
So today God has thundered at our sin – let us kneel and confess that we have often just gone through the motions.